Friday, July 29, 2011

Captain Slayer Pants

Tech Week.Day 3.Going star of the week goes to my man who brought me a slayer treat in the middle of rehearsal. A+

Technically I should work one of my two jobs tomorrow, but I'm not. I needs me a day off! I know the title of this post is "captain Slayer" as in referring to myself as a super hero, but 1.) I haven't earned that title (Silva...) and 2.)Im just not one....PlusI have rehearsal and night so it's technically not a day off. It's catch up time. Clean room, car, mail stuff, pay bills, get oil changed. Ect. So tomorrow is all about that.....and this....


...I know, I know. Judge. I secretly love Selena Gomez. Who says you can't be perfect...I meannnn come on. She's with it.

There will 110% have to be some of this action happening at some point in my day tomorrow as well:
Since I drove around for an hour after work today trying to locate my nearest snow shack in West Valley, I gave up thus...snow cone-less. I actually decided that a West Valley snow shack probably isn't the most trust worthy of souls....just sayin'...
But one thing has to happen before all of this.
Hot huh! I want to look like him. (no not really) but the gym will be my buddy tomorrow. Too bad I can't work arms because of me hyperextended elbow! Cardio slash a leg whoopin.

I love days off. Also, you know your an adult when your day's off consist of running errands, and thinking that qualifies as relaxation.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Crazy

I have so many things to figure out schedule-wise for next semester it's insane. School full time, 2 jobs, and a Show. I slightly want to cry and frequently get overloaded to said point when I think about I'm going to think of some happy things I love to not think about it.
{1.} The 90's... I legitimately don't need to say more.

{2.} This book blew my mind

She is one of my biggest idols. The book is about not dieting because dieting is dumb and only makes you a fat girl instead of a skinny girl. I am anti diet, but pro not being stupid :)
Look at her...she's like 40 and just had a baby in May...can I please look like that? Geez Im 21 and don't even look as good as her.

{3.} Jojo...where did you gogo?
We still like you...come back

{4.} This gross picture
This is so gross. This would be called a hyperextended elbow, which is what I just did...only not as bad or manly or gross..

{5.} Mcfly!
Today at work Linda was frustrated and yelled, "Mcfly!!!" and it made me laugh because I just watched this movie for the first time.So then we shared our love for this movie and that part.

{6.} Taylor Swift currently playing right now
I have to say, as much as I love her....her 1st cd is the best. She has gotten progressively commercialized each album.

{7.} Throwback

{8.} This Person..

{ <3 } {9.} Itttt's tech week for Joseph! Which means late nights and lots of frustration and patience. I wish I had Jake's patience....he's the most patient person Ive ever met.

Wedding Singer Last year. Come see Joseph . It's amazing.

{10.} and this is what is going to get me through these next few crazy weeks...
Some of the AMAZING treats I get to eat!
I love making friends with the towel animals...naturally..

And the best thing of all on a cruise above all else is this...
Sunsets on a ship in the middle of the ocean are the most amazing things ever. If I had a bucket would be on it...and already crossed off.
only 18 days until the cruise! Whats better is my friend and Jake are going to be gracing us with their pretty faces. 18 days...18 days...18 days.

Alriht. Off to tech it up...I'm so excited I literally can't wait.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

one thing

Thats literally all I have to say right now. Made my day a little better. A dream was just fulfilled with that picture.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What I'm loving

On my day off I am sitting on my bed listening to Justin Beiber surfing the net. How much more lame could I be. But this is what it comes to when your friends are out of town I suppose. Top internet findings/and or fun facts of the day:

{I love her...and I'm not even a HP Fan...yeah}

{2.} I'm wearing the same shirt from yesterday. It's my superhero t-shir a-la-madison Chic'. It's really comfy.

{I wish I owned these. More importantly, I wish I had a reason to wear these if I owned them

{4.} Jake came to save the day.

Workin' for the Weekend

Holy cow it has been a busy past few weeks. This weekend I feel revived. It was a great fun filled weekend spent with mine truly, Jake.

[Friday] I was so beat we just watched some creepy scary movie that had no real point. Which was fine, I couldn't really think anyways.

[Saturday] morning I had rehearsal and it was an amazing rehearsal. It clicked. Then I went shopping with Jake. . . ok I went shopping and Jake played the part of the good boyfriend that waits for me pretending not to be so bored he'd rather dump me. Then I sang the National anthem at the Real game and almost threw up I was so nervous and Jake nicely talked me down. Funny story about the Real game....I got asked on a date and this is how it went..."So would you want to hang out sometime? Maybe grab a snow cone or Jamba juice?" Hahahah. Only in Utah folks. I had an awkward "I'm actually in a relationship" come back which only made the next 10 minutes so awkward standing there on top of being really nervous to sing. Buuuut Jake and I had a good laugh about that phraseology after.

[Sunday] I finally got to sleep in. Now, I literally don't remember the last time this happened. I woke up at 12:21....and I didn't feel one ounce bad about this. It was a great sunday which was ended by watching "Back to the Future" for the first time with sir Bowen-mcgee. (Sorry Madi...but we were at Blockbuster busting our brains about what to watch and it was the only movie we all agreed on...and you are in Boston eating a cannoli soooooo... PHC will pick up on Back to the Future II )

{Probably about to faint from nerves}
{I cheated. Don't Judge me.}

{I love him}

Sunday means Monday is tomorrow thus work. Back at it.

Quote of the day which I will dedicate towards the dumb Real fans sitting behind us:

"Most people are only alive because it's illegal to shoot them."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Snow Cone Madness

I'm obsessed with snow cones. I think I could live off of them. My favorite flavors

{peach with cream}
{Tigers blood with cream}
{Guava...the pink kind}

We had half of a pirate hooker outting to get snow cones followed by conquering TJ Max. Blood and everything....literally...there was a girl sitting on the floor in a puddle of blood crying. So it's safe to say we did our job.

{Half the Hooker Clan}

{Quote of the day, "F-you!"}

Maybe I like snow cones so much because whenever I do get them is when I'm taking a break from my mad life where I'm running from one thing to the next, to the next, to the next... It's supposed to be summer, but it doesn't really feel like it. 3 jobs, a show, getting ready for school, planning out fall schedule, keeping up with friends, being a girlfriend. I miss my boy sometimes with how busy my weekly life gets. Cruise in 24 days. Also, 24 days till my friend Mandi gets married! Wahoo! So wedding time then crusie time right after.

Summer is going to be gone before we know it.

Cruise. 24 days. cruise. Twenty Four days!

Keep on keepin on I guess.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hospital Adventures

My little brother and I are now officially appendix friends. He just went to the ER last night and is still there. We seem to have some fun photos of the hospital since he is king of primary children's hospital at this point because of his kidneys. But we never fail to have fun. Im glad he is ok and cant wait for him to get home. I may or may not mess with him while he is on pain pills...slash that means I totally will. Sorry Cody, I love you dearly buuuuut your leaving me for college next month and I am just a little bitter about that. Stay!

The King...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Freshman Year

My cute friend Kristen just got married yesterday! Her wedding was awesome. Awesome decorations, food, friends and she looked like a princess and busted some thug moves dancing. It was fun to see my old friends there. I was going through old pictures from our freshman year at Weber state. Good memories, we've all changed so much. I love you all Weebies!