Friday, September 23, 2011


I am in need of some serious happy time today. So while I am sitting in the library and should be doing homework because I have a monsterous overwhelming amount piling up, I'm not....I'm doing this instead. Sounds completely logical no?

{I want 10 of him}

{I truly believe this}

{Just kinda}

Hope <3

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dear Blog...stuh-ress

Dear blog.

I have not posted in a while.



Joseph is crazy. We have 2 shows a day alllll next week, and basically had 2 shows a day all last week, (minus Tuesday and Wednesday) We had FIVE shows Saturday between the 2 casts. In-sane! I may die next week between my two jobs, full time school (with a 2 papers in one class, and a math test, and hw in other classes as well) and a billion shows. Stuh-ressss!

I am absolutely loving the show tho. If it weren't for my crazy schedule, I would be devastated it was over. However, I need to have more time for school because I will fail at this rate!

Things I look forward to after the show that I will have time for :

1- studying at Diva's with B :) Miss this
2- Diva's (Warm drinks in the fall and winter....mmmm)
3- seeing my friends again, for I have greatly neglected them :( Sowwy! "...Are those my fwends?" -kid history)
4- Fall clothes!!!
5- Time to study
6-Time to finish my awesome book, "A Place of Yes" by Bethenny Frankle....amazing.

I have just discovered pinterest a few weeks ago. I feel like Im late to the party. It's awesome. I'm obsessed with quotes and I have found so many good ones on there. I wont post them all buuuuut here are a few of my favorites I have found lately.

{sometimes a hard question to answer, because you don't want it to be the answer}


And a few for Madison....I instantly thought of you when I read'll die!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Lovin it...

So I have this collection of wedding inspiration photos. I'd like to share a few because I am IN LOVE! I love wedding photography. So enjoy some of the things I am obsessing over...

The King of New York!

"It's FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FRIDAY!" ...Ok ... Not really that exciting. It's been quite the past few weeks, so I think a night off from life is in order. Today I got up to go to school. I'm grabbing my bags to leave...and realize I don't need to be up for another hour....I set my alarm for 6:50 instead of 7:50. Big difference. Fail. So it's 7am and I'm already up and ready. Fail. I had to drop stuff off at Jakes and went to the Trax station closest to his house....the red line to the U doesn't stop there....second fail. I hurry to my normal trax station and catch a train and make it to school on time. School for a few hours and then hurry and go to the theater for 2 shows.

I died at the end of the first show. Banged up my shins on the stage. But thats nothing compared to poor michelle breaking her nose in the later show! Upstaged! JK. Really we both just upstaged Chloe cuz it was her birthday. (Princess birthday song/party in vom 1!best ever.)

Here is a crappy photo from my crappy phone of my leg. It's a lot more bruised now. And my other leg got it too.

I got all grumpy and tired after that and a second show so I figured a movie night was in order. Newsies came to mind first. So, I set forth to blockbuster to make my dreams come true. And now I'm looking at this cute actor in his younger years.
I love him. Such a great actor. "King of new york!" git it Christian!

A random rant for the day: Why do majority of freshman girls bug the crap out of me. Perfect example is my writing class.....just...don't talk. You sound dumb, rude, vapid and suck at life right now so....go back to putting your make up and Urban Outfitter clothing on....It's probably a good thing I don't actually speak my mind :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

2 days

This is what I consider a beautiful sight...

I have started packing for the cruise! Although I feel like I'm jumping the gun because I still have a lot of laundry being done. But at least I started!I always seem to over pack, big time, so my goal this time is to not do that. Since Bethenny Frankel is my favorite I will abide by her packing light rules.

There are some good tips. I only hope I don't under pack. I would rather over pack than under. I wish I were leaving today. But in reality, today I still have to go to work (Which I should start getting ready for now actually) and then go and do a show, and be completely dead after! Tomorrow I get up and do one more show, get my nails done with my mommmmm and then my friend Mandi's wedding. As well as Lindsey's....I will be wedding hopping! So I assume it would be wise to pack today since tomorrow is full AND we leave Sunday morning! So excited you have no idea. It's enjoyable to break the emotional bond with technology for one week and not have to text, call, or email. Just look at a pretty ocean and have fun with family and friends!

Ok, work. Hur I come.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!

I have the best mom. She's the prettiest person ever. So I thought I'd give her a birthday shout out and list fun memories and reasons she is the best.

{1.} She is completely selfless and always does things for other people before herself. It makes me feel guilty.

{2.} She's funny

{3.} Dress shopping for school dances and her helping me get ready is my best high school memory.

{4.} She'd buy me little presents shopping and leave them on my bed when I got home from school.

{5.} She introduced me to the wonderful cruise vacation. Now I'm addicted. Great job...

{6.} She has come to every performance I have ever had. Singing, drill, cheer, theater....and they are not always easy to sit through so props.

{7.} She's an impulsive shopper and has to get the little knick knacks at the checkout stand because they look kind of naturally I do too.

{8.} She taught me what T.J. Max is really about!

{9.} She's a puppy lover like me!

How could someone not be a dog lover....look that adorable face!


Monday, August 1, 2011

Case of the Mondays

This is pretty much how my day feels. Usually I am not this pessimistic about Mondays...but today I am. It hurt my soul to turn the calendar page from July to August. Summer is over! I waved as it passed me by. I have lots to do the next two weeks and a one week vacation (Bless!) and then school and shows and jobs and craziness!

This week I have one more tech rehearsal, (The thought of only getting to run the show once more before we open is absolutely terrifying to me.) I have been having Joseph nightmares. Like not making changes, going out on stage and not knowing what any of the choreography is, forgetting to put a costume on, getting a finger or toe chopped off by the stage....the usual. Anyways, Joseph opening, work job 1, work job 2, Celebrate my mama's birthday a day early because my show opens on her actual birthday, shows all day Saturday. (I shall be at the theater 10ish AM-10ish PM.) Then sunday is pretty full too. Workout in the AM, church, my awesome cousin Shea's bridal shower and then my cutie little brother's Eagle Scout court of honor. Fewfs! Next week is most likely similar, I haven't gotten that far yet. Ok anyone who knows me and my Schedule/calendar OCD knows thats somewhat untrue. I sort of wrote it out last night in my day planner. It's fine.

After all that I finally get to go on my cruise! Big shout out to my awesome doubs, Ashley Mayfield, for covering that entire freaking week for me! So glad she's willing to do that! I might feel like I got some semblance of a summer in there after a vacation.

Alright I think I ranted everything out. Wow how boring am I today? Stress basket to a T. Soooo Ill switch gears to something happier for a good ending. Hmmm.

Work it out:

I have been so crazy I have been lazy with working out. I hate that! So I solemnly swear to go to the gym all the days I plan this week (...wearing this great outfit, naturally) even if I am dead tired. I also solemnly swear to not eat fat kid treats this week. A whole week! Sunday will be a cheat day.

To really get a happily ever after ending...I found these pictures yesterday. And I fell in love. I want one, and I want it to stay this big forever!

Whenever I get angry today I'm going to look at those pictures.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Captain Slayer Pants

Tech Week.Day 3.Going star of the week goes to my man who brought me a slayer treat in the middle of rehearsal. A+

Technically I should work one of my two jobs tomorrow, but I'm not. I needs me a day off! I know the title of this post is "captain Slayer" as in referring to myself as a super hero, but 1.) I haven't earned that title (Silva...) and 2.)Im just not one....PlusI have rehearsal and night so it's technically not a day off. It's catch up time. Clean room, car, mail stuff, pay bills, get oil changed. Ect. So tomorrow is all about that.....and this....


...I know, I know. Judge. I secretly love Selena Gomez. Who says you can't be perfect...I meannnn come on. She's with it.

There will 110% have to be some of this action happening at some point in my day tomorrow as well:
Since I drove around for an hour after work today trying to locate my nearest snow shack in West Valley, I gave up thus...snow cone-less. I actually decided that a West Valley snow shack probably isn't the most trust worthy of souls....just sayin'...
But one thing has to happen before all of this.
Hot huh! I want to look like him. (no not really) but the gym will be my buddy tomorrow. Too bad I can't work arms because of me hyperextended elbow! Cardio slash a leg whoopin.

I love days off. Also, you know your an adult when your day's off consist of running errands, and thinking that qualifies as relaxation.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Crazy

I have so many things to figure out schedule-wise for next semester it's insane. School full time, 2 jobs, and a Show. I slightly want to cry and frequently get overloaded to said point when I think about I'm going to think of some happy things I love to not think about it.
{1.} The 90's... I legitimately don't need to say more.

{2.} This book blew my mind

She is one of my biggest idols. The book is about not dieting because dieting is dumb and only makes you a fat girl instead of a skinny girl. I am anti diet, but pro not being stupid :)
Look at her...she's like 40 and just had a baby in May...can I please look like that? Geez Im 21 and don't even look as good as her.

{3.} Jojo...where did you gogo?
We still like you...come back

{4.} This gross picture
This is so gross. This would be called a hyperextended elbow, which is what I just did...only not as bad or manly or gross..

{5.} Mcfly!
Today at work Linda was frustrated and yelled, "Mcfly!!!" and it made me laugh because I just watched this movie for the first time.So then we shared our love for this movie and that part.

{6.} Taylor Swift currently playing right now
I have to say, as much as I love her....her 1st cd is the best. She has gotten progressively commercialized each album.

{7.} Throwback

{8.} This Person..

{ <3 } {9.} Itttt's tech week for Joseph! Which means late nights and lots of frustration and patience. I wish I had Jake's patience....he's the most patient person Ive ever met.

Wedding Singer Last year. Come see Joseph . It's amazing.

{10.} and this is what is going to get me through these next few crazy weeks...
Some of the AMAZING treats I get to eat!
I love making friends with the towel animals...naturally..

And the best thing of all on a cruise above all else is this...
Sunsets on a ship in the middle of the ocean are the most amazing things ever. If I had a bucket would be on it...and already crossed off.
only 18 days until the cruise! Whats better is my friend and Jake are going to be gracing us with their pretty faces. 18 days...18 days...18 days.

Alriht. Off to tech it up...I'm so excited I literally can't wait.