Friday, September 2, 2011

The King of New York!

"It's FRIDAY, FRIDAY, FRIDAY!" ...Ok ... Not really that exciting. It's been quite the past few weeks, so I think a night off from life is in order. Today I got up to go to school. I'm grabbing my bags to leave...and realize I don't need to be up for another hour....I set my alarm for 6:50 instead of 7:50. Big difference. Fail. So it's 7am and I'm already up and ready. Fail. I had to drop stuff off at Jakes and went to the Trax station closest to his house....the red line to the U doesn't stop there....second fail. I hurry to my normal trax station and catch a train and make it to school on time. School for a few hours and then hurry and go to the theater for 2 shows.

I died at the end of the first show. Banged up my shins on the stage. But thats nothing compared to poor michelle breaking her nose in the later show! Upstaged! JK. Really we both just upstaged Chloe cuz it was her birthday. (Princess birthday song/party in vom 1!best ever.)

Here is a crappy photo from my crappy phone of my leg. It's a lot more bruised now. And my other leg got it too.

I got all grumpy and tired after that and a second show so I figured a movie night was in order. Newsies came to mind first. So, I set forth to blockbuster to make my dreams come true. And now I'm looking at this cute actor in his younger years.
I love him. Such a great actor. "King of new york!" git it Christian!

A random rant for the day: Why do majority of freshman girls bug the crap out of me. Perfect example is my writing class.....just...don't talk. You sound dumb, rude, vapid and suck at life right now so....go back to putting your make up and Urban Outfitter clothing on....It's probably a good thing I don't actually speak my mind :)

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